Monitoring and Evaluation
BUCAD offers a basket of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) services. The services range from conducting an M&E audit, designing an M&E system, implementation of the M&E system and providing technical support. Clients can select one of the services from the basket or all of the services depending on the individual requirements of their organisation.
Throughout the implementation of any of the services, we will conduct a phased Project Management approach, Change Management and skills transfer. The M&E audit focuses on the analysis of the current situation within each department. A review of best practice in the context that it represents a proven and tested method may be utilized. An application that has resulted in significant improvements in performance may also be applied across a wide spectrum of similar organisations.
The M&E system design involves the development of an M&E framework, refinement of the indicator schedule and the development of an M&E policy guideline based on current findings. It also includes a benchmarking exercise and inputs from strategic stakeholders. M&E forms an integral part of any programme and project delivery initiative. In order for M&E to add value to the delivery process, it must be carried out parallel to the service delivery value chain and it must have the power to influence the delivery process at key points. This will ensure that new knowledge and information is fed back into the delivery process in order for learning to take place.
This also creates an environment of continuous improvement and speedy delivery. "We provide Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Services to support our clients with regular data collection services, activities monitoring, continuous evaluation, collaborative learning and adaptation measures to move on better". "We assist organizations in setting robust Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) systems to enable them manage and capitalize on their project more meaningfully".