Petrine Addae

Associate Local Economic Development Expert

Petrine Addae is a dynamic Economic Consultant with a strong background in the public sector. She has worked on issues related to social and economic development. She is passionate about International Development with proficiency in problem solving, strategic thinking, persuasion, project management and negotiation. She is an expert in executing team driven goals to increase growth and operational efficiency for the achievement of optimal impact. Petrine started her career at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP), where she collated and analyzed Poverty Reduction Expenditure data to inform policy decisions on social progress.

At MOFEP, she also tracked and reported national progress of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to be reported in the Annual Budget Statement of Ghana. As an Economic Consultant at the African Development Bank (AfDB) in Tanzania, she led a team to review the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) of Tanzania.. She also researched and produced write-ups on the “Tanzania Climate Change Fact Sheet”. When AfDB was facing tough times getting the buy-in of the Tanzanian Government on the CSP, she took up that challenge and ultimately earned their support through negotiation and persuasion, skills she acquired from Harvard Kennedy School where she completed her Master’s in Public Administration in International Development.